Free & Limited
Best for Students & in the Classroom

  • free but limited #elements
  • instant access anywhere
  • private and shared projects
  • all projects compatible with the desktop versions
  • collaborate in real-time
  • all solvers, many tools
  • one ViP V3 model
  • no HPC-enabled solvers
  • no 3rd-party tools
Native Sim4Life in the Cloud / AWS
Best for Collaborative Research

  • pay-per-use (w/ welcome credit)
  • instant access anywhere for Science and Business
  • private and shared projects
  • all projects compatible with the desktop versions
  • collaborate in real-time
  • all solvers, majority of tools
  • two ViP V3 models
  • HPC-enabled solvers (MPI and GPU)
  • extendable with 3rd-party tools
Sim4Life Compiled for the Desktop / Servers
Best for Large R&D Teams

  • licensed for specific needs
  • local network (desktop / servers)
  • all data local, fast access
  • all projects compatible with the web version
  • cost-efficient for intensive R&D efforts
  • all solvers, all tools
  • all functionalized ViP V3/V4 models
  • HPC-enabled solvers (MPI and GPU)
  • Start-up/SME Program available
  • premier support
Sim4Life Compiled for the Desktop / Servers
Best for Large Research Groups

  • licensed for specific needs
  • local network (desktop / servers)
  • all data local, fast access
  • all projects compatible with the web version
  • cost-efficient for intensive research efforts
  • all solvers, all tools
  • all functionalized ViP V3/V4 models
  • GPU acceleration: CUDA and Acceleware
  • basic support

Compare Features

Platform Features
Project Sharing / CollaborationYesYesYesYes
Interactive ModelingYesYesYesYes
CAD Import / ExportYesYesYesYes
Device Model Libraries--YesYes
MESH tools-YesYesYes
Image SegmentationYesYesYesYes
Number of ObjectsUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Grid Sizemax. 20 Mio cellsUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
EM High-frequency and Low-frequency SolversYesYesYesYes
Neuronal Dynamics SolverYesYesYesYes
Thermal Solver (biomed)YesYesYesYes
Acoustic Solver for Therapeutic UltrasoundYesYesYesYes
Generalized Huygens ApproachYesYesYesYes
Parameter Sweep-YesYesYes
GPU Acceleration-CUDA, AccelewareCUDA, AccelewareCUDA, Acceleware
FDTD Adaptive Subgridding-Acceleware onlyAcceleware onlyAcceleware only
VIP Human Models
All ViP Models-YesYesYes
Comprehensive Tissue Property DatabaseYesYesYesYes
FEM-Based Poser Engine-YesYesYes
2D & 3D Views, AnimationsYesYesYesYes
Processing Algorithms (Resampling, Filtering, Evaluation, Croppping)YesYesYesYes
Averaging Methods for Dosimetric ApplicationsYesYesYesYes
Pipeline / Workbench--YesYes
Direct GUI / Interfaces to Mesurement Systems-YesYesYes
Python Scripting
Python ScriptingYesYesYesYes
V & V Reports-YesYesYes
Support via E-Mail-YesYesYes
Live Support with Simulation Experts--Yes-
Training-upon requestupon requestupon request





ViP 3.0 / ViP 4.0
  • Native support for the latest generation of the Virtual Population ViP3.x
  • Neuro-functionalized Virtual Population ViP 4.0 models: Yoon-sun V4.0 and Jeduk V4.0
  • Largest library of 3D high resolution CAD-based phantoms available on the market
  • Grid-independent (not based on voxel data), CAD-based anatomical phantom data
  • More than 15 full body anatomical human phantoms
  • More than 10 anatomical head models (children, adult, male, female, European, Asian)
  • High resolution head model with integrated detailed deep brain structures and anisotropy information
  • Dedicated ViP Hands Library, consisting of 12 right hands and parts of the forearm
  • Posable anatomical models and support for the parameterization of additional models
  • Poser based on biomechanical FEM simulation
  • Interactive model morphing tool
  • Extensive online literature-based tissue parameter database
  • Integrated generation of high quality surface models from voxel and image data

ViZoo 1.0
  • Set of high-resolution animal models (developed by IT’IS Foundation)
  • Addressing the needs for optimizing the planning of animal experiments
  • CAD models can be imported into Sim4Life and then discretized at an arbitrary resolution
  • Enabling the user to obtain completely mesh-independent arrangement of complex setups


Electromagnetics Full Wave Solvers (P-EM-FDTD)
  • Transient, Broadband, and Harmonic simulations (Time-Domain Solver)
  • Results from time and frequency domains
  • Automatic simulation termination
  • ARMA engine for early time convergence detection
  • Non-homogeneous intelligent gridder engine (geometry detection)
  • Unique adaptive subgridding algorithm (from Acceleware)
  • Run-time monitoring
  • Lossy dielectric and magnetic materials
  • Frequency-dependent dielectric and magnetic materials (Debye, Lorentz, Drude, Drude-Lorentz)
  • Metamaterials (double negative)
  • Non-linear materials (Kerr-Effect, Raman-Scattering)
  • Lossy real metals, thin metal sheets and coatings
  • Temperature relevant parameters for T and EM-T solver
  • Predefined materials database (metals, dielectrics, anatomical)
  • User-defined signal source (pulse, step, saw, arbitrary, etc.)
  • Discrete sources (1-D, single edge)
  • Plane-wave and Huygens box sources (total-field /scattered-field)
  • Remote and Iterative Huygens engines (incl. backscattering)
  • Anisotropic materials support for EM FDTD CUDA accelerated solvers
  • Lumped elements (R, L, C, predefined serial/parallel)
  • Parametric sources, lumped elements, sensors
  • ABC, PEC, PMC, periodic boundaries
  • Analytic boundaries (Mur, Higdon)
  • UPML and CPML boundaries with adjustable absorption
  • Execution through Command Line or GUI
  • SIBC accelerated for Broadband and Harmonic simulations
  • Fully automated multi-port SParameter extraction
  • Results of S-Parameters extracted vs. frequency or in steady state

Quasi-Static EM Solvers (P-EM-QS)
  • 3D static solver
  • Electrostatic and Electro quasi-static
  • Magnetostatic and Magneto quasi-static with constant permeability
  • Coupled with Thermal solvers
  • Automated simulation & analysis process for WPT compliance assessment
  • 3D LF solvers, E/H integrated into Sim4Life
  • FEM based (rectilinear grids)
  • Floating metals in ES and EQS
  • Automatic simulation termination
  • Tools to create anisotropic conductivity distributions
  • Use of magnetic field data measured using MAGPy as the source to simulate induced field in a phantom
  • Non-homogeneous intelligent gridder engine (geometry detection)
  • Results of S-Parameters extracted vs. frequency or in steady state

Unstructured Quasi-Static EM Solvers (P-EM-UQS)

Thermodynamics Solvers (P-THERMAL)
  • T standalone solver
  • Coupled EM-T, extended Pennes Bioheat Equation for BioEM
  • Discrete vessel model for BioEM
  • Steady state T solver
  • Multiple EM sources (not bound to single simulation)
  • Correlated/uncorrelated superposition of fields, individual scaling
  • Pulsed excitation/time profile, on-off switch
  • T dependent tissues (electric conductivity, SAR, blood perfusion)
  • Time dependent specific heat generation rates
  • Tensorial heat diffusion
  • Spline-based vessels
  • Conformal subcell T solver
  • Flexible boundary-conditions (Neumann, Dirichlet, mixed, for every interface and every direction)
  • Extended T solver functionality (field optimization extended features)
  • Thermal ablation (tissue damage) measure
  • Convective flow term
  • LF solver results as T sources
  • Field statistics for T results

Acoustics Solvers (P-ACOUSTICS)
  • Linear & non-linear 3D full-wave solvers based on the Westervelt-Lighthill equation (expanded with density variation terms to account for the presence of bones & strongly reflecting material)
  • Database of acoustic properties
  • Tailored to the simulation of large ultrasonic arrays comprising hundreds to thousands of piezoelectric elements
  • Applicable to both audible acoustics and therapeutic ultrasound simulations
  • Coupled with the thermal solver to calculate temperature increases induced by deposited acoustic energy
  • Tailored to the simulation of entirely heterogeneous simulation domains
  • Multi-core and GPU acceleration (fastest ultrasonic solver on the market)
  • Capable of simulating entire therapeutic FUS setups involving large anatomical models in minutes
  • Enables simulations with arbitrarily shaped transducers & arrays
  • Equipped with inhomogeneous PML modules, allowing for domain truncation through inhomogeneous anatomy, thus restricting the domain size without the need for excessive padding


Neuronal Tissue Models (T-NEURO)
  • Dynamic modeling of EM-induced neuronal activation inhibition & synchronization
  • Unidirectional coupling with the EM-QS and Thermal solver
  • Accurately and efficiently dealing with neural sensing sensing
  • Powerful Hessian Calculator for the investigation of electrical neuro-stimulation within the complexity of the human anatomy
  • New class of axon models, the A-Delta class, of spinal afferents
  • Interface allows integration of other neuronal models from commonly used databases
  • User-friendly import & visualization of nerve geometries from commonly used databases
  • Determining thresholds through titration procedure
  • Detection of neuronal spikes and their occurence times
  • SENN model can be applied inside whole body models
  • Novel spatially varying temperature dependence impact on the neuronal dynamics
  • Capturing & plotting membrane dynamics over time
  • Easily define pulse sources that correspond to gradient switching fields
  • Applicable to heterogeneous, anisotropic dielectric environment model, including the most complex anatomical representations

Thermal Tissue Damage Model (T-CEM-43)
  • CEM43 and Arrhenius tissue damage models
  • Alternative of accurate (slow) or approximative (fast) evaluation
  • Effect iso-surfaces
  • (Cumulative) Histograms, such as those commonly used in treatment planning


Advanced Modeling Tool Set (MODELER)
  • 3D modeling environment (based on the ACIS toolkit)
  • OGL & VTK-based renderer (easy handling of >> 10'000 parts)
  • Topological Morphing for conformal 3D modeling to arbitrary surfaces
  • Interactive CAD modeling (no preprocessor or live-link needed)
  • Modeling units: metric, imperial
  • User-guided and/or CAD import-based modeling
  • Adjustable transparency, shaded/facet views, etc.
  • Drag & Drop for quick-moving between groups and objects
  • Specialized rooting tool for implant lead trajectories
  • 3D spatial or 2D planar modeling
  • Dedicated tool to extract the outer surfaces of CAD models in form of simplified triangulated meshes
  • Perspective visualization mode
  • Mouse, snapping & key-based input, vertices for facilitated modeling
  • Predefined 2D & 3D objects (incl. helix, etc.)
  • Fully parametrized modeling
  • Sweeping, extruding, skinning, rotating, etc. of objects
  • Translation, rotation, scaling, mirroring, etc.
  • Tilted Lumped elements, Sources & Sensors
  • 3D arbitrary object array generation
  • CAD projection tool to project multiple solid regions on a target surface
  • Special tool to check implant routings & to splits them into sections corresponding to regions passed through
  • Annotation tool to allow identification tissue labels to be entered in image segmentation (label field) entities
  • Python scripter for generation of arbitrary objects (analytical, etc.)
  • CAD derived parametrization
  • Localized CAD element modeling
  • Boolean operations on CAD objects
  • Poser Tool with natural joint rotation limits
  • Parametrized birdcage builder with tuning capacitors
  • Capable of converting triangular surface meshes into parameterized CAD models (e.g., NURBS-based).
  • Functionality to extract, smooth, and simplify tissue/organ surfaces from segmented medical image data
  • Tool to draw splines on the surface of triangle mesh models
  • Improved image importer supporting additional formats for multi-component (tensor) images

Poser Tool (POSER)
  • Based on biomechanical FEM simulation
  • Easy articulation of joints in their physiological ranges
  • Deformation of the soft tissue without loss of connectivity and without changes in the total tissue volume
  • Predefined postures for standing, sitting and lying persons

Mesher Engine (MESHER)

Rectilinear Mesh

  • Adaptive, non-uniform meshing (graded)
  • Fastest high-speed grid generator, object-analysis-intelligence
  • Unique FDTD/GPU subgridding scheme (structure-adaptive)
  • Predefined/customizable grid templates (fast settings assignment)
  • New user-friendly & intuitive engine (gang axes / settings simplification)
  • Voxel connectivity check for PEC/metal connectivity verification
  • High-level automation (one-click-grid)
  • Broad variety of user-defined grid settings
  • Real-time object selective gridding
  • Geometrical analysis of solids for grid refinement
  • GUI-based selection of estimated grid size/simulation time trade-off
  • Fast 3D or 2D conformal or Yee mesh viewer
  • Region selective mesh visualization (plane, cube, etc.)
  • Fully native 64 bit support for large meshes (>> 1 billion cells)

Volumetric Mesh

  • Tetrahedral volume mesher based on VKI engine
  • Mesh import tools for third-party meshes (e.g., VTK, VTU, EXODUS, NASTRAN)
  • Local remeshing tool to adapt surface or volume meshes to improve mesh quality
  • Boolean operations: Merge, Imprint
  • Mesh refinement tool to refine the overall mesh or a sub-volume
  • Mesh extrusion tool to extrude 2D meshes along a trajectory into prismatic/hexahedral based elongated structures
  • Thin layer insertion tool to insert thin layers at interfaces between meshed regions
  • Mesh quality viewer
  • Delaunay approach or an Advancing Front method (for volumetric meshes)
  • Mesh quality inspector (wide range of metrics and rapid visualization of low-quality element locations requiring further processing)
  • Supports refinement regions

Surface Mesh

  • Triangle surface mesher to create surface meshes of complex structures
  • Variety of tools for editing & preprocessing surface meshes
  • Robust conversion of small and medium-sized surface meshes to NURBS models

Postprocessing/Analysis Engine (ANALYZER)
  • Fast 3D OGL QTech or vtk- based rendering/visualization of result data
  • Novel vtk-based pipeline architecture, template pipelines (on-demand driven work/data flow)
  • Complex postprocessing steps to be combined or stored as analysis or visualization “projects”
  • Supports generic data processing
  • Unstructured/regular field data
  • Processing algorithms (filtering, evaluation, etc.)
  • Interactive, control directly via 3d window
  • 2D & 3D view, animations
  • Volume rendering on GPU, streamlines, maximum intensity projection, interpolation on arbitrary 3D structures, surface field rendering, etc.
  • Calculators, processing algorithms (resampling, filtering, evaluation, cropping)
  • Computation of power balance including losses in SiBC
  • Functionality to compress 3D field data for output files of FDTD simulations and consume far less disk space
  • Generating model objects, e.g., at special features of the field which can be used for grid refinement, sensors, reference points, etc.
  • Improved 2D XY plots, polar plots, Smith chart
  • Radiation pattern (3D in model, 2D XY/polar)
  • EM fields (Avg P, B, D, E, H, J, S, Energy, etc.)
  • Radiation & far-field data, efficiency, TIS, TRP, Radar Cross-Section
  • SAR/absorption (Av. 1g/10g/arbitrary IEEE1529, distributions, dP/dV)
  • Full multi-port S-Parameter extraction
  • Solid/material selective extraction/processing
  • User-oriented Line Field Extraction tool
  • Statistics processing, visualization & extraction into tables
  • Sleek option to slice a model from the slice field viewer and generate cross-section visualization of the (selected) model parts
  • Total current flux normalization option for low-frequency simulations driven by a potential difference
  • Import of magnetic field data measured using MAGPy probe
  • 3D viewers (2D planar slice, overlay on surfaces conformal/Yee, vectors/arrows, ISO surfaces, etc.)
  • Novel 3D vector & streamline viewers
  • Combination/comparison & visualization of multiple results
  • Overlaid visualization of model/voxels/results
  • Fast handling of 64 bit results (>> 1 billion voxels, native 64 bit)
  • Full Python scripting engine support (interfacing of all features)
  • Data processing in time & frequency domains
  • Data export into 3rd party editors
  • Import of 3D medical image formats, including Nifty, Analyze, UNC Metaheader 
  • Viewer exports to image data
  • Automatic Cache Save/Load extracted results

Python Scripting Engine (PYTHON)
  • Python densely/smoothly embedded into Sim4Life framework
  • Scripting function access to all Sim4Life features on all levels (modeling, grid, simulation, postprocessing, etc.)
  • Integrated Enthought Python package (wide range of powerful libraries, such as SciPy, NumPy, & pandas)
  • Possibility to use entire Sim4Life API programmatically without starting the GUI
  • API using Python 3 by default
  • Fully interfaced scripter for automation, batching, parametrization
  • Script editor (with visual support) embedded in GUI
  • Enhanced tabbed script editor, with multi-selection file opening
  • Possibility to write, execute and debug scripts for Sim4Life from Visual Studio Code 
  • Python API Browser & automatic API lookup
  • Unbounded user customization possibilities (generate a user’s own library of tools, build a customized Sim4Life environment)
  • Launch batch simulations, parametrization, optimization
  • Automated extraction of various parameters & result data of interest

HPC Auto-Scheduler & Control (ARES)


  • Fully integrated centralized task manager
  • All functionality (remote computing, HPC) seamlessly integrated into Sim4Life & Python framework
  • Parallel processing of computationally intensive tasks (e.g., meshing, simulation, postprocessing)
  • Remote execution via cloud (e.g., Amazon), localhost, GPU server, MPI cluster, p2p, etc.
  • Heavily multi-threaded execution for modeling, meshing, voxeling, and postprocessing
  • Queuing control instances, statistics
  • Solver control via Sim4Life GUI
  • Intelligent job submission
  • Job progress via a web browser (http based) on mobile devices, etc.


  • AXE GPU libraries
  • ZMT HPC/CUDA libraries
  • Cluster-MPI for Linux
  • Improved OpenMP parallelization for all of the above mentioned
  • Servers/Workstations, single- or multiple GPU systems
  • AXE MPI engine (for multi-CPU/multi-core distributed clusters)

GUI & Workflow (GUI)
  • Integrated Modeling/ Simulation/Analysis environments
  • Drag & drop-based assignments and powerful interactive handling
  • Tree-based access to all simulation parts (settings, solids, materials, grids, results, postprocessing, etc.)
  • Context dependent menus, options, and functions
  • Easy copy-paste of entire simulations or settings parts
  • 3D or 2D planar views
  • SnagIt® integration for easy image/video capturing
  • Selection, zooming, 3-D mouse-only based handling, light rendering
  • Calculator tools for various functions
  • Fully native 64 bit support (large models, voxel numbers, and results)

High Performance Computing (HPC)


  • Advanced libraries for EM-FDTD
  • Support for thin sheets, dispersive media and lossy metals
  • Option to add support for Subgrid (local refinement)
  • Multi-GPU support


  • Libraries for EM-FDTD, Acoustics and THERMAL
  • Multi-GPU support


  • Libraries for Flow
  • Libraries for EM-QS
Parameter Sweeping Engine (SWEEPER)
  • Result-oriented paradigm: post-processing goals are defined before running many simulation
  • GUI-based parameter sweeps
  • Parametrization of CAD elements
  • Parametrization of modeling operations
  • Parametrization of simulation settings
  • Parametrization of post-processing tools
  • Import/Export of parameter space by copy/paste (e.g., to Excel)
  • Distribution of tasks to multiple machines in parallel
  • High-level automation (one-click-sweep)
  • Advanced sorting and filtering of sweep results
  • Real-time task monitoring and comprehensive logging capability
  • Automatic grid updates when model objects change
  • Automatic update of frequency-dependent material settings
  • Sparse and smart data management: only relevant results are kept
  • Powerful sweep engine handles all tasks in the background, without affecting the main GUI


IMAnalytics (IMA)

Medical Image Segmentation Tool Set (iSEG)
  • Fully integrated image segmentation toolbox
  • Efficient, fast & flexible generation of anatomical models
  • Compatible with all common CT & MRI image formats available
  • Various segmentation methods: competitive region growing approaches, clustering, live-wire delineation, fuzzy connectedness analysis, level-set methods, etc.
  • Dedicated vasculature segmentation approaches
  • Topologically flexible interpolation for accelerated segmentation
  • Flexible combination of interactive & automatic segmentation algorithms
  • Including anatomical reference atlases
  • Enabling personalized modeling & treatment planning
  • Supporting large data-sets
  • Image pre- & postprocessing (noise removal, masking, filtering, image math, image transformations, skin adding, hole/gap removal, smoothing, morphological operations, etc.)
  • Feature analysis, edge extraction, connected components, measurements (areas, volumes, distances, angles, torsion)
  • Advance surface extraction & processing (smoothing, simplification) available in Sim4Life
  • Surface generations produces conforming, topologically compatible, high quality triangle surface meshes ideally suited for volume mesh generation
  • Hierarchical tissue organization, support for multilayer segmentation
  • Advanced 3D rendering

MRI Receive Coil Array Designer (MUSAIK)

MRI Scanner Simulator (SYSSIM)

MRI Volume Coil Designer (BCAGE)

Parallel Transmit Coil Designer (TxCOIL)

Multi-Parameter Multi-Goal Optimizer (OPTIMIZER)
  • Easy setup (Guided Mode) and full customization (Expert Mode)
  • Multiple design variables (geometry, material, lumped elements)
  • Multiple objectives & constraints (reflection coefficient, averaged SAR, radiation efficiency)
  • Integration with DAKOTA
  • Global optimization methods
  • Support for mathematical expressions
  • Sorting and filtering of optimization results
  • Real-time task monitoring and comprehensive logging capability
  • Automatic grid updates when model objects change
  • Automatic update of frequency-dependent material settings
  • Powerful optimization engine handles all tasks in the background, without affecting the main GUI
  • Interactive and customizable 2D plots

RF MRI Safety Evaluator (IMSAFE)

Refine/Simplification Mesh Editor (REMESH)

GA-Based Dispersive Fitting Tool (DISPFIT)

Integrated Pipeline/Analysis Calculator (PPCALC)

Matching Circuit Engine (MATCH)

SAR Evaluation Tool (MBSAR)

5G Simulation Toolkit (5G TOOLKIT)

Generalized Huygens Source (HUYGENS)

Image Data Im/Exporter (IMG)

Voxel/Cloud Data Importer/Converter (VOX)