The Electromagnetics Full Wave Solvers (P-EM-FDTD) provide accelerated full-wave EM modeling (> 1 billion voxels) on adaptive, inhomogeneous meshes and a unique multi-resolution subgridding algorithm for optimal local mesh refinement. The solvers support dispersive materials, thin layer models, conformal corrections, lumped circuit element modeling, and a rich set of boundary conditions and source types. Furthermore, they offer accurate and efficient skin models for mm-wave applications, and are powerful enough to handle the full complexity of our Virtual Population anatomical models.
Application Areas
EM system modeling and optimization
Biomedical device design and optimization
Antenna and antenna array design, placement optimization, link budgets
Wireless power transfer (WPT) systems
Wireless communication device design
Impedance, cross-talk, interference
In-to-in and on-to-in body link optimization
Exposure assessment (incident E- / H-fields, iPD, induced fields, SAR, APD, ΔT, ICNIRP and IEEE exposure standard metrics)
MRI system (pTx RF coils, Rx RF coils) coil design
MR exposure safety (including active and passive implants)
RF/MW hyperthermia
RF tumor ablation
Solver Capabilities
Transient, broadband, and harmonic simulations (Time-Domain Solver)
Mulit-gpu acceleration for >1000 acceleration
Multiport simulations
Results from time and frequency domains
Automatic simulation termination
ARMA engine for early time convergence detection
Gridding engine (geometry analysis) for optimized inhomogeneous meshes
Adaptive subgridding algorithm powered by Acceleware
Run-time monitoring
Materials and Properties
Frequency-dependent dielectric and magnetic materials (Debye, Lorentz, Drude, Drude-Lorentz)
Anisotropic material support for EM FDTD CUDA-accelerated solvers
Sources and Boundary Conditions
User-defined signal sources (pulse, step, saw, custom)
Discrete sources (1D, single edge)
Plane wave and Huygens box sources (total field/scattered field)
Remote and iterative Huygens engines (with backscattering)
Multiport simulations
Lumped elements (R, L, C, predefined series/parallel)
Parametric sources, sensors
ABC, PEC, PMC, periodic boundaries
Analytic boundaries (Mur, Higdon)
UPML and CPML boundaries with adjustable absorption
Simulation Management
Execution via command line, Python API, or GUI
Surface impedance boundary condition (SIBC) model accelerated for broadband and harmonic simulations
Fully automated multi-port S-Parameter extraction (frequency domain and steady state)
Cloud-based execution with automated resource scaling
Intellectual property (IP) protection
Quasi-Static Electromagnetic Solvers
Sim4Life’s structured Quasi-Static Electromagnetic Solvers (P-EM-QS) and their unstructured counterparts (P-EM-UQS) enable efficient modeling of static and quasi-static EM regimes by applying the finite element method on graded voxel-based and unstructured meshes. The solvers support message passing interface (MPI) parallelization, and offer optimized performance in terms of accuracy and speed over a wide range of EM regimes. The P-EM-QS family of solvers is ideal for handling heterogeneous, complex geometries, while the P-EM-UQS family of solvers provides superior discretization of fine features in CAD-based geometries.
Applications Areas
EM modeling and optimization in low-frequency and static regimes
Biomedical device design and optimization
Wireless power transfer (WPT) systems
Impedance, cross-talk, interference
In-to-in-body and on-to-in-body link optimization
Exposure assessment (support for LF exposure metrics from international standards on exposure safety)
Support for localized refinement and conformal adaptivity
Run-time convergence monitoring
Efficient MPI parallelization for large problems
Sophisticated numerical solvers and preconditioners
Postprocessing time modulation (e.g., non-ideal electrode interfaces)
Materials and Properties
Floating metals in ES and EQS
Anisotropic and inhomogeneous conductivity tensors
Support for medical imaging-based or diffusion simulation-based heterogeneous and anisotropic conductivity maps
Thin resistive layer insertion (virtual and real)
Extensive, continually maintained and reviewed tissue material properties database
Sources and Boundary Conditions
Current sources, cylindrical surface current sources
Vector potential sources
Dirichlet, flux boundary conditions
Simulation Management
Execution via command line, Python API, or GUI
Cloud-based execution with automated resource scaling
Intellectual property (IP) protection features
Thermodynamics Solvers
The Thermodynamics Solvers (P-THERMAL) enable the modeling of heat transfer in living tissues using advanced perfusion and thermoregulation models. The solvers include a finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) and a steady-state finite volume solver. Both structured, rectilinear voxel discretizations (ideal for heterogeneous systems and/or complex geometries) and unstructured meshes (good for highly accurate representations of fine CAD structures) are supported. Exclusive thermal damage and effect quantification models (e.g., T-CEM43 thermal dose) are included.
Convective heat transfer (boundary conditions and active velocity fields)
Thermal ablation and tissue damage (necrosis, apoptosis, etc.) metrics
Thermal dose assessments for thermal therapies
Sources and Boundary Conditions
EM, acoustic, and customized heat sources
Coherent and incoherent sources
Flexible boundary conditions (Neumann, Dirichlet, and mixed for every interface and direction)
Pulsed and transient heat sources
Simulation Management
Execution via command line, Python API, or GUI
Cloud-based execution with automated resource scaling
Acoustic Solver
The full-wave Acoustics Solver (P-ACOUSTICS) handles linear and non-linear pressure waves (dispersive properties, frequency mixing). It is optimized for computing the propagation of pressure waves through complex environments such as the human body, or highly heterogeneous media like the skull. Furthermore, the Acoustics Solver supports CT-based bone property maps to enable personalized focused ultrasound targeting.
Application Areas
Acoustic exposures
High- and low-intensity focused ultrasound (HI/LIFUS)
Design and optimization of diagnostic and therapeutic ultrasound devices
Safety and efficacy evaluations of ultrasound devices
FUS-based reversible blood-brain barrier disruption for the targeted enhancement of active agent delivery
Ultrasound-mediated drug release
Acoustic neuromodulation
MRgFUS neurosurgery (tumor ablation, neuropathic pain treatment, movement disorders, etc.)
Solver Capabilities
Linear and non-linear 3D full-wave solvers based on the Westervelt-Lighthill equation
Density variation term for handling heterogeneous materials and high contrast interfaces
Simulation of large ultrasonic arrays comprising hundreds to thousands of piezoelectric elements
Audible acoustics and therapeutic ultrasound applications
Thermal solver coupling for acoustic energy deposition-related temperature increases
Multi-core and multi-GPU acceleration (fastest pressure wave solver on the market)
Materials and Properties
Database of acoustic tissue properties
CT image-based bone property distributions
Dispersive materials
Perfect reflectors
Sources and Boundary Conditions
User-defined signal sources (pulse, step, saw, custom, etc.)
Inhomogeneous, perfectly matched layer boundary conditions for domain truncation (permits restriction of the computational domain without excessive padding)
Simulation Management
Execution via command line, Python API, or GUI
Cloud-based execution with automated resource scaling
Neuronal Tissue Models
The Neuronal Tissue Models (T-NEURO) enable dynamic modeling of EM-induced neuronal physiology, from activation to inhibition, using multi-compartmental representations or generic models. Sim4Life integrates Yale University’s NEURON simulation environment, which is ideal for studying field-neuron interactions, optimizing neurostimulation devices, and assessing exposure safety. T-NEURO goes beyond the prediction of individual axonal responses – its unique implementation of the extended reciprocity theorem permits the simulation and analysis of whole-brain biosignals such as magneto-/electroencephalography (MEG/EEG), accommodating realistic neuronal sources, inhomogeneous dielectric environments, and various recording device geometries.
Application Areas
EM neurostimulation (spinal cord stimulation (SCS), deep brain stimulation (DBS), etc.)
Transcranial brain stimulation (electrical: transcranial alternating/direct current stimulation (TACS/TDCS), temporal interference stimulation (TIS); magnetic: transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS))
Neural sensing (compound action potentials (CAP), electroencephalogram (EEG) and electrocorticogram (ECoG) recordings, local field potentials (LFP), etc.)
Catheter-based stimulation and sensing
Neuroprosthetics (retinal, cochlear, vestibular, motor prosthetics)
Bioelectronic medicine (‘electroceuticals’)
Magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) neurosurgery (tumor ablation, neuropathic pain treatment, movement disorders, etc.)
Low frequency EM exposure safety assessment (wireless power transfer, MR gradient coils, etc.)
Temperature-dependent neuronal dynamics
Neuro-motoric incapacitation
Neural interface design and optimization
Brain-machine interfaces (BMI)
Dynamic modeling of EM-induced neuronal activation, inhibition, and synchronization
Simulation of axons, complex neuron morphologies, and neural networks
Coupling with EM-QS solver family
Accurate and efficient modeling of neural sensing
Hessian calculator for volume of tissue activated (VTA) estimation
Predefined models of myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers (incl. A-delta spinal afferents, SENN model for LF-exposure safety, etc.)
Simple import tools for complex, user-defined (Python and hoc-based) neuron models
.hoc file importer, enabling the integration of morphology- and electrophysiology-realistic neuron models from third-party sources
Threshold and recruitment curve calculation via automated titration routines
Rapid, activating function-based estimation of neural recruitment (offers >100-fold acceleration)
Stimulation selectivity indices for multi-fascicular nerves or spinal-roots
Detection of neuronal spikes (times and locations)
Predefined nerve trajectories and axon properties in NEUROCOUPLE ViP models
Capture and plotting of time-dependent membrane dynamics
LF multi-port sources for assessment of stimulation by multi-contact electrodes
Synapse models
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)-based assignment of heterogeneous and anisotropic brain conductivites (reflecting fiber orientations)
Thermal Tissue Damage Model
Thermal Tissue Damage Model
Sim4Life’s thermal dose and tissue damage models permit assessment of the impacts of heating on the physiology of living tissues. The CEM43 tissue heating model is a widely applied technique for quantifying the effects of transient heating based on direct, cytotoxic effects. CEM43 converts time-varying thermal exposures into an equivalent exposure time (in minutes) at 43°C. The approach permits quantitative comparisons of different transient heat exposure scenarios (e.g., short heating at high temperature vs. prolonged, moderate heating) by relating them to an established damage threshold. Sim4Life also provides direct assessments of tissue damage through the Arrhenius tissue damage model.
Application Areas
Hyperthermic oncology (efficacy evaluation and optimization)
Radiofrequency, microwave, and focused ultrasound ablation
MR safety with and without implanted devices
Electromagnetic and thermal exposure safety
Skin burn quantification
CEM43 and Arrhenius tissue damage models
Accurate (slow) or approximate (fast) model evaluation
Determination of effective iso-surfaces
Calculation of cumulative histograms (commonly used for treatment planning)
Database of Tissue Properties
The material parameter database, originated and maintained by the IT’IS Foundation, provides the computational life sciences community with recommended values for, and associated variances of, a growing list of biological tissue properties. The database is free, online accessible, and continually updated to reflect the highest quality measurements available. Sim4Life makes it easy for users to automatically assign tissue parameter values to the Virtual Population (ViP) models from the material properties database. In addition, Sim4Life supports image-based assignment of heterogeneous tissue property maps (anisotropic brain tissue conductivities, perfusion, acoustic propagation in bones) for enhanced realism and accuracy.
List of properties:
Frequency-dependent dielectric properties
Heat capacities
Thermal conductivities
Heat transfer rates
Heat generation rates
Acoustic properties (speed of sound, attenuation constant, and non linearity)
Tissue weight fractions
MR parameters (longitudinal and transversal relaxation times)
Up-to-date and comprehensive estimates of tissue material parameter values
Strict quality assurance measures ensure accuracy and traceability
Statistical information (average, range, standard deviation) for each tissue
Axon morphometry for peripheral nerve trajectories as segmented in the ViP v4.0 models
Tissue elemental compositions (weight fractions) for standard tissues (e.g., as segmented in the ViP v3.x)
Image-based assignment of heterogeneous tissue property maps (applies to selected properties in LF, thermal, and acoustic solvers)
Perfusion Models
Perfusion is frequently the dominant factor influencing (and limiting) in vivo heating. Therefore, our thermal solvers offer advanced models of perfusion and vasculature, including active thermoregulatory processes known to affect perfusion rates.
Pennes’ bio-heat equation-based perfusion with extensions (e.g., tensorial effective tissue conductivity accounting for anisotropic blood flow)
Convective boundary conditions for major vasculature
Convective heat transport when blood flow fields are available (e.g., from flow simulations)
Core body temperature increases resulting from prolonged heat exposure
Engineering Tools
IMAnalytics is a novel software platform solution for the comprehensive safety evaluation of implantable devices. The module uses the Tier 3 approach as defined in ISO 10974 to characterize RF-induced power deposition and heating at the distal electrodes of implantable devices, and the voltage at the lead terminals of the pulse generator. Furthermore, it extracts the RF-induced electric field in a region of interest for use in ISO 10974’s Tier 2 approach, or for calibrating ASTM F2182 phantom measurements. IMAnalytics and the IT'IS MRIxViP1.5T/3.0T field libraries are the first computational modeling-based Medical Device Development Tools (MDDT) approved by the FDA.
Key Features
Full compatibility with the MRIxViP exposure libraries (IT’IS Foundation, Switzerland)
Full compatibility with the MRIxLAB library (IT’IS Foundation, Switzerland) of pre-computed, induced fields in the Test Field Diversity phantoms of MITS 1.5/3.0T and MITS-TT
Streamlined GUI for fast access to all built-in tools, along with easy-to-launch Jupyter notebooks for advanced analysis
Zip file-based export of all results (incl. plots, raw data, and study parameters) for full traceability and archiving
Preprocessing of EM field data (up to terabytes) from numerous combinations of birdcage types, anatomies, landmark positions, postures, and implant routing paths
Import of implant transfer functions measured with the piX system
Assessment of different polarization schemes and exposure conditions through automated evaluation of I and Q channel excitation settings
Efficient evaluation of up to millions of exposure scenarios with extraction of deposited power statistics
Evaluation of deposited power/induced voltage across operating modes (normal, first level controlled)
Computation of Tier 3 induced voltage
Exposure limit enforcement in terms of whole-body specific absorption rate (SAR), partial-body SAR, head SAR or B1 field values
MR safety with respect to RF-induced heating of: cardiac pacing/sensing leads, implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD), spinal cord stimulators (SCS), and deep-brain stimulation (DBS) systems
Prediction of ISO 10974 Tier 3 in vitro deposited power/induced voltage for different test routings, incident field polarizations, and tissue-simulating media; fast and accurate experimental transfer function validation
Phased-Array Antenna Tools
The Sim4Life Phased-array Antenna Toolkit provides the most efficient solution on the market for the design, analysis, and optimization of 5G mmWave antenna arrays. It empowers engineers to rapidly develop and study phased-array antennas to meet demanding performance requirements, including regulatory compliance. The power density algorithm is fully compliant with IEC/IEEE 63195 standards on both flat and curved surfaces.
Key Features
Maximum exposure evaluator for worst-case peak power density for a given surface/phased-array antenna
Compliance evaluation based on surface-averaged power density
Total exposure ratio (TER) evaluator for devices with multiple EM emission sources (considers all sources simultaneously)
Easy-to-use beam steering tool
Novel solver-enhanced phantom model technique for realistic and accurate simulations at mmWave frequencies
Power density algorithm for flat and curved surfaces, fully compliant with IEC/IEEE 63195
Template-based tools for modeling phased-array antennas
Dedicated tools for creating CAD-based phased array models and setting up FDTD simulations
Efficient array-factor far-field evaluators for fast prototyping
MaxGain algorithm for computing the best possible performance along each spatial axis
Two-dimensional maps of spherical patterns such as gain/directivity for quantitative determination of regions with insufficient coverage
Direct comparison with measurement results from the DASY8/6 Module mmWave
Compatibility with circuit design software tools for analysis of feeding network effects and their optimization
Power density algorithm accepting measurement data from cDASY8/6 Module mmWave/ICEy mmWave as input
Sim4Life import of measurement-based auxiliary source reconstructions from DASY8/6 Module mmWave for detailed simulations
Design and optimization of next-generation mobile phones, 5G base stations, etc.
5G mmWave antenna array compliance assessment
Phased-array antenna design
Maximum exposure evaluation
Parameterized MRI Volume Coil Designer
The MRI Volume Coil Designer is an interactive tool to create birdcage-style volume coils according to user-specified design parameters including physical dimensions, operating frequency, feeding, and coil topology.
Key Features
Generation of coil geometries
Placement and calculation of lumped elements for tuning
Creation of simulation templates with proper settings, material assignment, and discretization
Tools for parallel transmit coil investigations, such as worst-case pTx (local SAR and/or heating), and virtual observation point extraction for online safety monitoring
Compatibility with tools for S-parameter extraction, matching, multiport analysis
Birdcage coil design for transmit (Tx) and receive (Rx)
Design of generic volume Tx coils for implant compatibility assessments
Virtual MR image formation and scan sequence optimization using realistic fields
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